Best Materials for Exterior Doors

Best Materials for Exterior Doors

When it comes to choosing the best materials for exterior doors, it’s important to consider not only the style and aesthetic appeal, but also the practical considerations like durability, energy efficiency, and security. Here are a few options to consider when selecting the best door for your home’s exterior:


Fiberglass doors are a popular choice for their durability and low maintenance requirements. They are resistant to dents, warping, and fading, and can be made to look like wood or other materials.

best materials for exterior doors


Steel doors are another durable option, with the added benefit of being energy efficient. They can be insulated with foam to help reduce heat loss, and are also resistant to weathering and impact.

best materials for exterior doors


Wood doors are classic and timeless, and can be stained or painted to match the look of your home. However, they do require more maintenance than other materials and are prone to warping and rot if not properly cared for.

best materials for exterior doors

Ultimately, the best material for exterior doors will depend on your personal preferences and the specific needs of your home. At SimplyDoors, we offer a wide range of options to suit every budget and style, and our team of professionals is here to help you make the best choice for your home. You can also learn more from our suppliers such as Signamark. Contact us today to learn more.

Summary Table for Door Materials

Material Pros Cons
Fiberglass Durable and low maintenance May not be as energy efficient as other options
Steel Durable and energy efficient May be more expensive upfront
Wood Classic and timeless style Requires more maintenance and is prone to warping and rot